Scoble, the web still wants you back!
Monday, April 11, 2016 by Dave Winer

One year ago today I bought a domain,, and parked a site there saying Scoble, the open web wants you back!

I wrote a post on Facebook (because I know he reads Facebook) and of course on my blog, saying that when he opened up his own blog, I would point at it. I just bought a placeholder for him. I don't want to own him, I just want to have his ideas out where they can play with my best ideas and make babies. 

Here's the specific offer:

I will transfer this domain to Scoble if he posts on his blog, regularly for a few months. Let's make it six months. During that time, hopefully we'll all love on Scoble for being such a good guy and helping out all of us. We're going to listen to his ideas especially closely when he posts them on the open web. Even more than we listen to him on Facebook and the other places he posts.

Well, the good news is he has a blog! But the last post was on March 10. So we can't really say he's posting regularly yet. But there's hope!

Scoble, we still want you back. My RSS river awaits your wisdom.