Trump has a bully pulpit now
Sunday, May 8, 2016 by Dave Winer

I saw Trump on ABC this morning, and if I didn't know about the campaign he just ran for the Republican nomination, and the things he's saying in his speeches now, I would think "Wow I could vote for that guy."

This is what I was scared of. He will do well in the debates with HRC. He's more fluid and confident, and never dips into themes that put you to sleep. He's got my full attention. But I know it's an act. That two seemingly polar opposite people can be in one body, with no moral limits on what he'll say or do. He is a genius. But he's of course totally unacceptable in a position of power. 

More important than ever that we organize. Create new online social tools that we can use quickly. We can do this, but people have to be willing to listen to each other, tech and politics. So far, not much indication that anyone will listen. Journalists still only listen to politicos and other journalists. Techies don't seem to have a clue either. 

BTW, do not underestimate the degree to which journalism controls the outcome of this election. People may say they don't trust the news, but they believe what's said on the news. That's how all the crazy ideas that got Trump nominated turned into a foundation you can build a national campaign on. 

People really think China created climate change as a hoax. That Obama is illegal. That ObamaCare kills jobs. That ISIS is already in the US. That HRC wants their guns. 

And now that we have to listen to Trump much more seriously he will use his 1/2 of a bully pulpit to further reinforce those ideas, and more.

If you're a journalist you have a responsibility to give people accurate stories, not just conventional wisdom. And it will be much harder to do that in the coming months. Get ready.