Hoder let's help the open web!
Thursday, May 12, 2016 by Dave Winer

In this piece our longtime blogging friend Hoder says Mark Zuckerberg is a hypocrite and the open web is "destroyed." 

I don't have an opinion about the first part, but I know the web is not destroyed. On that Hoder is just plain wrong. 

Here's what I do think.

We could really use Hoder's voice in the blogosphere.

He could set up a WordPress blog, or a Tumblr blog. Whatever he likes.

He would find that a lot of his influence would return, and more important, instead of giving up as he has done here, he would be helping the open web.

He doesn't know that it's over. Like a lot of journalists, he clearly for some reason would like to believe it is. They are wrong. We do not know that. I'm using the open web right now to write this, and thousands of people will read it, again through the open web. That's pretty good for something that's supposedly "destroyed." 

Of course Facebook should add links to Facebook posts. That would help as much as getting an excellent blogger like Hoder back in the flow.

Come on guys let's get to work! ;-)