Why HRC's speech worked
by Dave Winer Saturday, June 4, 2016

Hillary Clinton said all the things I was thinking as I watched Trump's interviews and speeches. Probably the things many others were thinking too. 

I said all that I could, so did many others, but she's the only one who can say it officially and who can say it all. We're lucky that he's only won the primary, because then there would be no one who could tell the truth about Trump, the full truth, slowly and carefully, with poise, confidence, even humor -- but she delivered it dead-pan serious. As serious as a heart attack. Because, as she says, this is reality, not reality TV.

Her speech lets us relax. Up until that point, I honestly didn't think she, or anyone else had what it took to stand up to Trump. My feeling was we'd have to let the campaign run its course and hope the voters knew how to avoid disaster. Now there's less to worry about, because she's willing to embrace the madness and call it what it is. And remind us that we're better. 

This comes at a time when the press, that Trump has been so good at exploiting, has figured out how to challenge him, and make him look like the incoherent poser that he really is. 

We're not alone in our realization. That's what we get.

And after all the crying by Sanders and his supporters about The Establishment, that's exactly what we need to take hold here. I don't think they get that the United States is a thing, with a history and a presence in the world. That our standard of living, such as it is, would be a lot worse if we weren't the dominant force on the planet. If our dollar weren't the reserve currency of the world. At one point in the campaign, Trump even said he might default. What kind of insanity is that?

A personal note. Last year I turned 60. The even-decade birthdays are a big deal. There was 20, 30, 40, 50 and now 60. Each has its own meaning. As one reaches 60, if you've had a life of accomplishment, you feel confident in your understanding of the world and more importantly who you are. It's time to cut losses on ideas that didn't pan out. And focus on the things that work.

It's true for countries too. What Clinton said on Thursday was just right. The US is a strong country, and we have a lot of things right, but we must cut our losses on things that aren't working out. She reminded us why she is the only person who ran for President in 2016 who is able to do the job. That's exactly what I needed to hear. 

Trump is a nightmare that's almost over. He doesn't have a second act. His schtick is good for a TV reality show, perhaps even a sitcom. But being President is serious business. There was a vacuum to fill, and HRC filled it perfectly. What a relief.