Vote against the NRA in November
by Dave Winer Monday, June 13, 2016

If you want to diminish the power of the NRA, there's really only one way you and I can do it, by organizing to replace NRA-owned reps with ones that aren't.

The best time to organize is just before a major election, which of course is right now. 

I'm thinking primarily of Congressional races. There's a pretty clear widely understood choice in the Presidential election this year.

This is not about "taking your guns away" -- unless you want to kill dozens of people rapidly. If that's what you want, then I think most people would agree that it's a good thing to take your gun away. 

To make a difference, look at people who are running for Congress in your area, and see which ones are approved by the NRA and which aren't. 

Work against the ones the NRA likes, and support the ones the NRA opposes. That means:

  1. Give them money.
  2. Go to rallies.
  3. Make phone calls.
  4. Knock on doors.
  5. Tell your friends.
  6. Be creative!

Now is a highly leveraged time to be politically active. In normal times it's hard to get anything to change, but now is a time when change can happen.

Don't let the politicians define what change means. Define it for yourself and then put it into action.