Trump's plausibly deniable tweet
by Dave Winer Tuesday, July 5, 2016

There's something important the Republican presumptive nominee for President doesn't understand. The American people control him. It's not the other way around. This is the job he presumably wants. But he doesn't understand how it works.

It's probably true that most Americans don't want their President using Nazi imagery. Let's do a poll if you don't agree. 

It's not so much how it got into his campaign, just that it did. It's there. Either through a complete lack of respect for the office of the President, or worse, a desire to make it into something that it's not. 

It's beyond competence at this point. Way beyond. 

It's July. Convention month. 

We have a two-party system. He's been chosen as the representative of one of them. He has something like 1/2 of a Presidency now. He hasn't begun to get what that means. How serious that is. How much power his words now have. 

When you get into the area of plausible deniability, you're already in scandal mode. Most Presidents get there eventually, but never before over something as insignificant as a tweet. The correct thing to do here is to state clearly what happened, that it was wrong, and that it won't happen again. And move the fuck on.