A tweet with a bad title
by Dave Winer Thursday, July 21, 2016

Early yesterday evening I pushed a picture to Twitter of two people, one black and one a cop, holding signs that respect each other.

Respect in the sense that each listened to and accepted the other's point of view. I know from listening to cops that they feel they live with danger every day in their jobs, and aren't appreciated for the risks they take. And that blacks are at risk of being killed by cops, and live in fear, and want people to hear them, and help them.

I wrote "Problem solved" on the picture. 

Not a good title because it could be misinterpreted to mean there is no more work to do. I don't believe that. 

What it actually meant is that this problem is solved, the one illustrated in the picture. 

In no way did I mean to say that the problem was solved or all problems are solved. 

It's not going to be that easy.


The first step on the road to equality, fairness, and support for those who live with extraordinary risks, is listening to and acceptance of other points of view. This picture is the answer to people who when they hear Black Lives Matter, come back with something inane that indicates they aren't listening. Not even going to repeat what they say.

There are many cops who take their jobs seriously and feel as strongly about black lives mattering as the people who rally around the slogan. Some because they are themselves black, and some because they have a strong sense of mission and right and wrong. The road to understanding and to solving the problem is recognizing them for their support. If you can't do that imho, then you're going for something other than acceptance and to make America safer for black people.

Thanks for listening.