Hillary: We don't need the press
by Dave Winer Friday, September 2, 2016

A campaign is a time to talk about stuff that matters.

That's why I was so happy to see that Hillary is bringing up the question of drug pricing. Huge. A real issue for so many people! 

Hillary if I could say one thing to you that you would hear it would be this. Up till now everything you've said to us, the voters, has been filtered through the press. And we both know they are terrible filters. They add so much of their own crap. They're looking for stuff that most of the time isn't there. And instead of saying it isn't there, they say it could have been there, and that's the "scandal." But...

Here's the thing: WE DON'T NEED THE PRESS.

You can talk straight to us. Use Twitter, use your blog, your podcast, Facebook, it's all good. Say what you want to say and forget about the press. They're going to be sour. We don't like them either. So let's not use them.

Thanks for listening.