Quick video weather in NYC?
by Dave Winer Sunday, September 4, 2016

Where does everyone go for a quick video weather forecast for NYC?

You can send me a note on Twitter, or on Facebook.

I had this problem this morning, I still do. I used to go to weather.com, and never was very satisfied with how they approached it. This time there was a 1-minute commercial before the report. Sorry I don't stick around for that.

I expect this is something they will eventually do very well on Facebook as they now do it for sports scores. 

How it should work..

TV integrated w the Internet or mobile should be:

  1. Wish.
  2. Gratification.
  3. In a few seconds at most.

I had the same experience last year with "find me a good podcast to listen to now." I have a great user experience for that but I expect I'm one of very few people.

Dave gets on the pulpit..

News industry, you keep leaving these big holes in what should be very simple problems to solve. Later you'll feel shut out when Facebook owns this. Act now.