Finally the walls of journalism have to come down
by Dave Winer Friday, September 30, 2016

Journalism has to reform if we manage to dodge the bullet of a Trump election. Things won't bounce back to "normal" -- ever. 

Repubs decided a long time ago that they could maneuver conventional wisdom as far as they want to their liking using the press. That they could take advantage of the rule that reporters aren't part of the story. That what they believe or don't believe should play no part in how ideas are presented. 

That means sometimes expertise has to come into journalism, to be the journalism, even if no reporters have that expertise. 

Example -- the Clinton email stories. They never tell you what exactly it is she was supposed to have done. How easily it could be solved by simply getting some tech bloggers to write for you when you need help. 

It's unacceptable that we're vulnerable to this kind of attack. By "we" I mean people who believe we have to be as reality-based as possible. 

If your idea of who a journalist is has to change so we can avoid political and economic calamity, then you must change.