Jay + Ward: Everyone can contribute
by Dave Winer Friday, September 30, 2016

Jay Rosen wrote an essay on Facebook yesterday about his conversation with Ward Cunningham, inventor of the wiki. 

Jay is a former colleague at NYU and a contributor at all the BloggerConsWard and I have become friends over the last couple of years. 

Jay said something very Ward-like at the end of his piece.

Here's the bigger lesson. A real, living democracy draws on the talents of all of its citizens. Problems in press coverage are not "owned" by journalists or people like me who study journalism. Contributions can come from anywhere. That's the way I see it, and that's the way Ward Cunningham saw it. Everyone has a stake in this election. Everyone's talents are needed to survive it.

That's of course been my theme too. The walls have to come down. Let the fresh air in. Long overdue.

It's where the philosophies of blogging and wikis come together, and journalism.