We're living on Caprica
by Dave Winer Saturday, October 15, 2016

The writers of Battlestar Galactica were incredibly prescient.

Some small spoilers follow, so if you haven't seen the series and want to stay a virgin, hit the Back button now. 

The basic plot: a fleet of starships are at war with a race of robots that also have starships. 

This was the second war, one of the lessons from the first was that you couldn't network the fleet because that was an attack vector from the previous war. I think it might have even been how the humans lost the first war, but my memory is fuzzy.

In one episode they had to, for an instant, reconnect the network, and as soon as they did it was flooded with sentient viruses, cousins of the robots they were fighting. Clever, right? I mean if beings in human-like bodies could be intelligent robots, why not mere pieces of software flying around at the speed of light over a computer network?

This is of course one of the reasons geeks loved Battlestar Galactica so much. The writers were smart and they thought of stuff like this. 

Now they were prescient because that is exactly what is starting to happen in a pretty huge way to our civilization, only instead of robots, it's Nazis. We've been seduced by network technology, from Napster to Tinder to Snapchat, Amazon, airlines, your bank, the power grid, cars, everything has an Internet address. We're like the denizens of the BSG world before they learned that there's a price to pay for all that networking.

Trump was the best troll ever, but there were already some great trolls that had a lot of practice. Trump was able to troll himself to the Repub nomination. CNN and CBS et al were able to make billions promoting him as a TV show. Now they're running propaganda programs designed by the Nazis and other really evil people who were very effective at creating chaos before everything was networked. 

The election? That's just the first act. Twitter will still be running after the election.

PS: The tech industry appears tuned out, the news industry barely understands the tech.