JavaScript turned off? No problem
You couldn't read Scripting News if you had JavaScript turned off. Now you can.
by Dave Sunday, October 30, 2016

Brett Glass runs his browser with JavaScript turned off.

He says: "Could you make the home page static? By default, my browser won't bring up current page."

Ay caramba!

Short answer: It's fixed. It works now.

Here's what happened...

Okay, all the content of the Blog tab is baked into the page, so it actually is a static page. I just had to change the default setup so that the Blog tab is visible by default. So, if you have JavaScript turned off you can still read Scripting News. I think that's new, I don't think the old version could do that.

Caveat: The names of the tabs will still be displayed above, so that might confuse you. The fix is simple, turn JavaScript on. :-)