Podcast: Why we're scared
We, who voted for Hillary Clinton, are good people. And we're hurting now, because we're worried about our future.
by Dave Winer Sunday, November 13, 2016

I watched this interview that CNN reporter Van Jones had with a family in rural Pennsylvania before the election. It's a good first step. Let's get person-to-person. It's easy to hate people you don't know, but once they become real people, the kind of person who would help if your car broke down, it's hard to think of them as anything but good warm-hearted Americans. Period. No qualifications.

We, who voted for Hillary Clinton, are also good people. And we're hurting now, because we're worried about our future. You all elected the new government. We understand. You say we didn't listen. I believe you. But we are listening now, and we will be listening for at least the next four years. 

We are very scared about what the government will do to us. This is a fact, not in question. Good people like Warren Buffett blow right by that. It's nice that he is 100% optimistic. But that does nothing to quell the fear. He's a white Christian living in Nebraska. He might not have anything to fear. 

People say not to pay attention to the hate speech, but if it were targeted at you, you wouldn't be able to do that. 

Now is the time for the people to get together. This podcast is my first step toward that. I'm not asking you do anything other than listen. Thanks.