I read this piece in CJR, the story of Chris Arnade who spent a year embedded with Trump voters. Lots of interesting ideas.
We want our leaders to tell us why we're here, what we're supposed to do, how we can define, and then find success.
The best leaders give us a cause to join that gives meaning to our lives.
FDR did fireside chats where the talked the country through the depression and World War II.
JFK went on TV and said Let's go to the moon!
At some point climate change will get so tangible that it will be possible to rally the country around overcoming it, becoming a sustainable civilization.
I guess for some people Trump inspired them. It didn't work for me. I can't feel inspired when I'm feeling so much fear.
So now after this election, Trump said he wants to unify the country, but his appointments send another signal. Women, Muslims, Jews, Blacks, Latinos, have much to be afraid of. He's not actually going to do any unifying until the fear fades into the background. And he's doing the opposite, he's stoking the fear.