Faster home page
The home page of should load faster now. And still look marvelous. ;-)
by Dave Winer Saturday, November 19, 2016

I made a small change in the way the home page is built which should result in it loading faster. I made the same change to In both cases it was only the home page that changed, not any subordinate pages.

So, here are the two things to look for

  1. Does it load faster, subjectively, for you? Or about the same? Slower?
  2. Are there display anomalies? Things that look weird that you are pretty sure didn't look weird before. (For that matter anything that looks weird is worth noting.)

The next step will be to make the same change for new story pages. I'm not going to screw with pre-existing stories. 

The change is that I merged all the code inclusions into a single file, and all the styles. They are also all on, so that also might help convince some virus apps that Scripting News, the oldest blog on the net, isn't trying to do some harm to your computer (seriously that's how shitty some of this shit is). 

I've turned on comments on this post so people can report any problems or just say hi. Remember the comment guidelines. No blog-post-length comments, speeches, or opinions about people. I delete off-topic comments.  ;-)