Was Trump born in Russia?
Was Trump born in Germany? Russia? I don't know. I've never seen his birth certificate. Have you?
by Dave Winer Monday, December 12, 2016

Some people say he was born in the US, or not. I don't know. But you should check it out. Have you seen the birth certificate? I haven't seen it. In fact I don't know anyone who has. Hmm.

You know how when someone accuses you of something out of the blue, it's pretty likely that they're doing the thing they're accusing you of? Like your wife says you're cheating, but you're not. That means she is. This happens all the time.

So when Trump said Obama was born in Uruguay or Egypt or wherever, and that meant he wasn't qualified to be president, that means that Trump was born in Germany or Russia. He was saying he is a "Manchurian Candidate."

I think we now understand exactly what's going on.