Jerry Brown got me thinking
Yeah the taxes might be higher, but who wants to live in a state with a lot of sick uneducated people.
by Dave Winer Friday, December 16, 2016

Another pngWriter-originated post that should be here on Scripting News.

I was reading a story about how Jerry Brown says fuck you Trump if you take down the climate change satellites, we'll just launch our own.

I thought wow that's ballsy. I like it. I wonder if New York State could get in on some of that action. I'd offer to pay extra taxes for that. Why not.

Then I thought great, let's start an association of states with Democratic governors. We'd do cool things like provide health care for our citizens and give them free college. Yeah the taxes might be higher, but who wants to live in a state with a lot of sick uneducated people.

Then I realized the best part of it -- it would give people an incentive to elect a Democratic governor so they could get in on all this great stuff.

Why can't politics be that results-oriented? It's simple. You do something for me, and I support you. Everyone makes it so complicated. But that's what it comes down to. I like breathing clean air. I want government to work. I'm tired of super-rich people fucking over everyone else. If you agree, just elect Democratic state government, and we can go from there.