Tweetstorms are an embarrassment
It's 2017. We know how to do 'fat tweets.' Let's get on with it already. Enough.
by Dave Winer Thursday, January 12, 2017

  1. You have to chop things up into a bunch of pieces. It's too much work and interferes with the creative process.
  2. They are hard to read.
  3. Twitter already supports multi-megabyte video payloads. It could not possibly strain their infrastructure to send a few K of text in the same place.
  4. The UI issues are settled. See the way Show More works in Facebook. Search for Fat Tweet on for a prototype.
  5. It embrarrasses me as a professional developer and a person who helped lay the groundwork for Twitter, that this is what we give writers, journalists, president-elects, to communicate with in 2017. Maybe the 140-char limit was charming five years ago, but it's killing us now.
  6. No wonder the Russians are taking over our country. :balloon: