Media types, gatekeepers
Media types follow a lot of the rules of software objects. They basically are software objects.
by Dave Winer Monday, January 16, 2017

Right now podcasting is cresting, it's growing, people are talking about it. But podcasting has crested five times, each time bigger than the last, each time new people thinking they were there at the birth of podcasting. This happened with blogging too. It's cool. It's how we build a sense of inclusivity. It's how these thing stay exciting. Constantly re-born, but not really. :balloon:

Blogging and podcasting are the same wave. The reason podcasting booted up so well is we already had the blogging network built. And to this day a blog post is part of every podcast, we call them show notes. That was a conscious decision. You should have something the search engines can find.

The waves will keep coming. Each wave introduces a new combination of basic communication capabilities. YouTube videos are a media type. Facebook videos are somewhat different, and a different media type.

Media types follow a lot of the rules of software objects. They basically are software objects.

So when I say the journalists could let foreign ideas get through more easily, I'm really saying we could do this faster and better. Seriously. Too much gatekeeping holds us back.

A great example. Journalism should have let some new people in to cover the mess with Hillary's email server. One of the reasons it was so confusing is that reporters are so shaky in their understanding of how networks work. So let some techies who can write do the reporting, just temporarily perhaps, but get out of the way, you held us back. And we wouldn't care about access. I don't want to talk with Mitch McConnell or Preibus or any of those guys, ever. That would be like torture.

More later.