My demo river
I'm preparing the demo I'm going to do on Friday at the journalism conference. Other Electric River users might find the info useful.
by Dave Winer Tuesday, April 4, 2017

For an upcoming demo, I'm going to show a river running on my desktop, accessible through the web, using Dropbox to do the bridge.

Actually the river will be running on my laptop. Using Electric River.

And to show that all rivers don't always look the same, I made a river in the theme of the Dancing Hamsters of the Old Days of the web.

Personally, I think it is quite "innovative."

Of course when my laptop is offline the data in that page will not update. But you will still be able to read the page. And as soon as my laptop is online again, you'll start to see updates.

I just had to change one configuration setting. I changed the folder the river.js files are written to. I put it in the Public subfolder of my Dropbox. Right-click on the file in the Finder to get the public URL

I created the home page by downloading the Hello River demo page, and modified it to point to the public URL. I added the hamsters, and saved it to which is an S3 bucket.

We can make this even easier, and plan to.