With Frontier 5 for Windows you can build and publish big-content sites that are easy to manage, for you, for your writers and designers.
Frontier 5 is the first Content Management System for Windows that works like powerful systems for print publishing. A solution to the problem every large site has, how to separate form from content.
Frontier makes it easy to keep complicated HTML out of the way of writers, and gives you, the site builder, all the tools you need to manage the site. When the designers want to change the template for the site, just plug in the new design and rebuild the site. What used to take a couple of weeks now happens in a couple of hours! Really.
With Frontier, the hard things become easy. The people who write and design for your site will love you, and your job will be easier, your site more competitive, and you can do more powerful things because the software does the tedious and repetitive work, so you can be creative and more productive.
Frontier is an integrated system built around a high performance object database, outliner, scripting, and a multi-threaded runtime. Everything in Frontier can be customized thru its powerful object oriented website framework. Link management, macros, rendered pages, Frontier does it all, but the sites it generates can be served on any platform, Windows NT, Unix or Mac.
Frontier 5 is available for Windows and Mac. You can download it today, free from our site. Later this year we will release a commercial package, but we want everyone to get the benefit of managed websites now, so it's free.
Go get it now!