Sunday, February 01, 1998 at 1:09:32 PM Pacific
Top Frontier 5 Problems
A couple of problems have been reported repeatedly on the Frontier mail lists, so it's reasonable to believe that other people are hitting them. So here are the workarounds:
- Frontier expired. If you're running an alpha release of Frontier 5, it expired today. We would much prefer if you use the final 5.0, but we understand that some people may not be able to do this right now so here's how you work around it.
First, set your system clock to some date before February 1, 1998. Launch Frontier. Jump to system.startup. You'll see a line of code near the top that checks the date. Comment out that line or delete it. Click on the Compile button to be sure you got it right.
Then quit Frontier, set the clock to the correct date, and relaunch Frontier. Continue working as you normally would, but please put upgrading on your to-do list. We fixed a lot of problems, and want everyone to be working with 5.0, not alphas. Thanks!
- Incompatibility with OSA Menu. If you're running Frontier on a Mac running System 8, you must turn off the OSA Menu extension or Frontier will hang on quitting. Leonard Rosenthol, the author of OSA Menu was not in the loop as we were going thru the beta process, he's been in touch, and we're hoping for a quick update. Lots of people who use Frontier also use OSA Menu so this is hanging up a lot of people.
- Choosing your MSIE on Windows. The first time you publish a page, Frontier asks you to locate your web browser app so it can display the page. If you're looking for Microsoft Internet Explorer, it's probably in the Plus! sub-folder of your Program Files folder. The name of the app is Iexplore.exe or Iexplore.
All is not lost if you chose the wrong program. In Frontier, go to user.webBrowser.winDefaultBrowserApp, and in the Value column, select all and type "" and F2. Publish another page. Choose the correct Iexplore app. Once you get this right, Frontier will remember where your web browser is, and you shouldn't have to go thru this again!
We're sorry for the trouble people are having. We'll keep responding to the questions, and we'll post notes here, and make fixes in the software.
Keep diggin!
This page was last built on 2/15/98; 5:58:10 AM by Dave Winer.