Monday, April 13, 1998 at 7:20:08 AM Pacific
From the Unknown Developer
This email came from, and was signed "EH".It touched my heart, maybe it'll touch yours...
From the Unknown Developer
"... Let's go for less euphoria and more realism."
Here here! As a cog in this wild and wonderful industry of ours, I have had the worst luck landing at companies that find themselves at the mercy of their own and other's version of reality. From a game company that made the cover of Wired before a single title was finished to a perpetually dying computer company.
I have always wondered why we all get swept away. What is it we are striving for? Perhaps we all really are just looking for "the next big thing." I know I get caught up in the search for my next toy. But few of them actually end up being a significant part of my daily life.
I wonder what would happen if we just figured out what works - what is useful - and get on with it.
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