Wednesday, April 8, 1998 at 8:25:46 AM Pacific
Jason Levine on Frontier & ASPs
From a message posted on the Frontier5-Win list, from Jason Levine at Sports Illustrated:Hello all -- I was wondering if anyone had been successful in using Frontier's new COM interface within an Active Server Page (obviously, on Microsoft IIS). I'm not home right now, so I don't have the exact error messages that I was getting (I'll pass them along later today), but I know that I was able to surmount one barrier but couldn't deal with another.
(ASP support is somewhere that I think Frontier can really shine -- it allows Frontier to be the behind-the-scenes database and renderer for an entire web site, in real time. This is something that I have to pay Oracle a lot for -- their web server and PL/SQL engine is a pretty expensive thing, and with the trouble that I have with it, and the support headache that I go through with them, I'd readily switch some of my web apps over to Frontier.)
The first barrier was that IIS (at least IIS 4.0) is automatically set to disallow out-of-process COM servers (that is, servers that run in their own memory space). There was a single change that had to be made in the IIS 4.0 metabase to allow them -- actually, it's a change that has to be made for each virtual application directory, but it's a single parameter for each. (If anyone's interested, there's a great MSDN article on it, and there's an Active Server Page that makes the change FOR you -- I can pass both along.)
The second barrier was that it doesn't appear that Frontier contains a few events that are necessary for ASP support. (This is where I don't remember the names of the events, but I can definitely generate them later and pass them on; they were something like OnEntry and two others.)
Hopefully, we'll get this ironed out; as I've said before, I think that COM is a revolutionary addition to Frontier, and I think that server-side processing is a phenomenal opportunity for it.
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