frontier5.5 picture

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web scripting

Frontier 5.0d10 Release Notes

Expanded .fatp file extension handling

[Windows version -- internal release only] Open dialogs show .fat and .fatp files when "Fat Pages" or "Openable Types" is selected.

.fat and .fatp files have an icon. For now it's the Frontier application icon.

2clicking a .fat or .fatp file in the Explorer will bring Frontier to the front and open it.

Added prompt when asking user to open a database.

File dialog says "Select a database file".

Laid groundwork to new list & record types.

Not visible in product yet, but underpinnings are in place.

Mac version will probably use same code as Windows, instead of AE lists.

Miscellaneous Windows version bug fixes.

Windows menu stays at right end of menubar.

Fixed crash in menu.buildMenuBar.

Newly-opened file windows open in front.

[Windows version] Fatpages.getFileData calls window.bringToFront.

Added support for hidden windows.

[Windows version]

Target.set works properly.

Main window doesn't jump when first opened

Option-closebox doesn't close the root.

Option-close in a file window closes call file windows.

Option-close in an odb window closes all odb windows.

Fixed dragging of menubar script windows.

[Mac version, broken in d8]

parentOf root is always nil ("").

even when parameter is @root^

Html.buildPageTable no longer expects sizeof (nomad^) to fail.

This page was originally posted on 8/6/97; 11:57:09 AM. It was last built on 10/21/97; 1:46:41 AM with Frontier. Internet service provided by Conxion.