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Frontier 5.0d14 Release Notes

Modernized the Quick Script window.

Implemented in Windows version.

Script text is no longer limited to 255 characters. (Both)

Supports all advanced text features -- undo, forward delete, word motion, keyboard selection. (Both)

Pressing the Tab key activates the message area, where you can copy the result. (Both)

user.prefences are respected.

Frontier now uses the font and size settings in user.preferences whenever it creates a new window-based object. (Both)

Apple event trap scripts are more powerful. (Macintosh)

Trap scripts can now be called with named parameters.

This allows them to be called with parameters in any order.

Frontier will use names when 1) the script takes more than one parameter, and 2) all but the first parameter are named for their AE keyword

Frontier will not pass extra AE parameters that the script does not expect.

Frontier will call the trap script if optional parameters do not appear in the event

Fixed two card running bugs. (Macintosh)

Cmd-period closes cards.

Can paste text copied from an outline or wptext object into a card text field.

Table editing fixes. (Both)

Deleting an item in a table closes all windows of objects contained in that table.

Fixed bug when zooming open a single-item window that was in edit mode. (Macintosh)

Reported as crash cmd-2clicking on ""

Fixed Expand All (keypad-*) bug in table outlines. (Both)

Reported expanding the Examples table. Wasn't related to empty subtable.

Fixed Select All bug. (Both)

Select All could crash in some contexts.

Fixed Save As Runnable bug. (Macintosh)

The command now works in the Mac version.

The menu item is not yet disabled appropriately.

This page was originally posted on 8/26/97; 2:53:14 PM. It was last built on 10/5/97; 12:42:40 PM with Frontier. Internet service provided by Conxion.