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Frontier 5.0d17 Release Notes

Main window is a table window.

The old main/message window is history.

The main window is a normal table window displaying the root table.

The window's title is the path of the Frontier.root file on disk.

Scripts can use the path or "root" to specify the main window.

About window redesign...

No longer modal, has title bar "About Frontier".

Displays script messages, has agent popup for message selection.

Has Frontier's new slogan: "Powerful cross-platform web scripting."

Zoom box toggles to message-only state, similar to the old Main Window display.

Headline icon display.

When not in edit mode, icons are inverted along with the text of selected headlines (as in 4.x)

Table display and editing

Tables invert the entire selected row, not just the item's name.

Tabbing from cell to cell in edit mode selects the new item's text. Stray cursor bits are no longer left behind in previously-selected text.

Clicking in the value column while in edit mode on the item's name no longer get confused.

When pasting an item that already exists in a table, the option to create a duplicate is offered

When pasting objects copied from other windows or applications, newly-created item is selected properly. If pasting into a subtable, that table isn't zoomed open in its own window

Jump To command correctly locates expanded items in subtables of open windows. If unexpanded, the parent table is opened in its own window. This is true for zooming to items in general.

Zooming with the mouse: To zoom a table instead of expanding with the mouse, cmd-2click the headline icon (used to be option-2click). Holding down the option key will close the current window behind.

Zooming with the keyboard: cmd-Enter dives, cmd-Shift-Enter surfaces. Holding down the option key will close the current window behind.

html.processMacros fix.

text within angled brakets is no longer processed -- as in 4.x.

Performance bug squashed.

Script running performance much improved across the board.

html.processMacros should once again operate near 4.x performance levels.

Mac 9600/350 bug squashed.

The fix in the recent 4.1 patch is already in 5.0, of course.

Auto-save Frontier root in beginner mode.

The root is automatically saved when Frontier is quit and Frontier is in beginner mode.

Beginner menu is now user.initials menu.

As discussed, the beginner menu is now a customizable menu, a user.initials menu.

HTML stress test scripts.

New script at testing.scripts.html tests Frontier's html framework.

A number of macroprocessor tests are run, and the sample DaveNet website from the 4.2.3 root is rendered.

WP-Text menu change.

Ruler/Onff command has been removed from the WP-Text menu.

Modal menus no longer jumpy.

Fixed the problem with modal menus showing up in the wrong places when switching between beginner and advanced modes.

File-based objects respect font prefs

New file-based scripts, tables, and outlines are created respecting the user's font preferences.

This page was originally posted on 8/6/97; 11:57:09 AM. It was last built on 10/5/97; 12:43:13 PM with Frontier. Internet service provided by Conxion.