styles.css body { font-family: Ubuntu; font-size: 18px; background-color: whitesmoke; } .divPageBody { width: 60%; margin-top: 60px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } li { margin-bottom: 10px; } code.js const appConsts = { urlMastodonServer: "" }; function httpRequest (url, timeout, headers, callback) { timeout = (timeout === undefined) ? 30000 : timeout; var jxhr = $.ajax ({ url: url, dataType: "text", headers, timeout }) .success (function (data, status) { callback (undefined, data); }) .error (function (status) { var message; try { //9/18/21 by DW message = JSON.parse (status.responseText).message; } catch (err) { message = status.responseText; } if ((message === undefined) || (message.length == 0)) { //7/22/22 by DW & 8/31/22 by DW message = "There was an error communicating with the server."; } var err = { code: status.status, message }; callback (err); }); } function buildParamList (paramtable, flPrivate) { //8/4/21 by DW var s = ""; if (flPrivate) { paramtable.flprivate = "true"; } for (var x in paramtable) { if (paramtable [x] !== undefined) { //8/4/21 by DW if (s.length > 0) { s += "&"; } s += x + "=" + encodeURIComponent (paramtable [x]); } } return (s); } function servercall (path, params, flAuthenticated, callback, urlServer=appConsts.urlMastodonServer) { var whenstart = new Date (); if (params === undefined) { params = new Object (); } if (flAuthenticated) { //1/11/21 by DW params.oauth_token = localStorage.twOauthToken; params.oauth_token_secret = localStorage.twOauthTokenSecret; } var url = urlServer + path + "?" + buildParamList (params, false); httpRequest (url, undefined, undefined, function (err, jsontext) { if (err) { console.log ("servercall: url == " + url + ", err.message == " + err.message); callback (err); } else { callback (undefined, JSON.parse (jsontext)); } }); } function serverpost (path, params, flAuthenticated, filedata, callback, urlServer=appConsts.urlMastodonServer) { var whenstart = new Date (); if (!$.isPlainObject (filedata) && (typeof (filedata) != "string")) { //8/2/21 by DW filedata = filedata.toString (); } if (params === undefined) { params = new Object (); } if (flAuthenticated) { //1/11/21 by DW params.oauth_token = localStorage.twOauthToken; params.oauth_token_secret = localStorage.twOauthTokenSecret; } var url = urlServer + path + "?" + buildParamList (params, false); $.post (url, filedata, function (data, status) { if (status == "success") { if (callback !== undefined) { callback (undefined, data); } } else { var err = { code: status.status, message: JSON.parse (status.responseText).message }; if (callback !== undefined) { callback (err); } } }); } function getServerInfo (callback) { servercall ("api/v1/instance", undefined, undefined, callback); } function testGetServerInfo () { getServerInfo (function (err, theServerInfo) { if (err) { console.log (err.message); } else { console.log (jsonStringify (theServerInfo)); } }) } function startup () { console.log ("startup"); } index.html Mastodon API tester

Mastodon API tester

Let's build glue for scripting Mastodon!

I've started by implementing a single verb, based on an example Scott Hanson provided.


How to test:

  1. Open the JavaScript console.
  2. Type testGetServerInfo () and press Return.
  3. The JavaScript object that is returned is displayed in the console. # Scripting glue Let's build glue for scripting Mastodon from JavaScript! 11/15/22 by DW