BloggerCon IV, Day 1: National Anthem
| Theme: New Orleans 
| Notes: 
| Song - don't know what it's going to be
| First song was Take me out to the ball game, in Boston. Sox lost.
| Last one was This Land is Your Land
| Nashville (we have 3 from there today)
| Uncle Dave leads the happy bloggers in song...
| Terry Heaton: All you need is love.
| Ponzi: Hokey Pokey. (How long before somebody posts the video?)
| Dave went to Tulane there
| It was destroyed. But music lives.
| interactive, no audience. Just participants.
| Natural to continue doing what we do at other confs. Let's don't.
| Format is, discussion leader stands in front for 10-15 minutes, to warm things up. Then others chime in and the DL hands off. Nobody gets nervous. Nobody makes speeches.
| No pitches. Not commercial. There are plenty of those.
| tendency to get carried away once one vendor starts off
| This is a users' conference. We clear the space for the users' POV.
| always try to come from your own place as a user
| Doc's role as a technographer
| Doc is everybody's slave. Not salve.
| monitor holds the mike. he or she owns it.
| come up with an action ite3m list
| No expectations from the conf
| could be wonderful, surprising...
| Everything is on the record
| Everybody is presumed to be a blogger
| no distinction between blogger and journalist
| everything is on the record. if you want it off, take it elsewhere and get permission
| Grateful Dead style. So on the record that you can bring your camcorder and vidblog or 'cast yourself.
| Not limited to blogging. There are related practices... videoblogging, etc.
| subjects related to blogging
| blogging is at the center, but everything peripheral is on topic too.
| not promoting any particular technology Ñ those are for other, tech confs
| blogher (July 28th and 29th - Doc's Birthday)
| reflect on how much blogging has changed since 18 months ago at Stanford. Now we have myspace, LiveJournal. The practice is more mainstream.
| Dave: changing use of tools, roles, what we have in common. We all use blogs, search engines, photo management tools, bookmarking... share our experiences...
| thanks to jake luddington, limelight networks, Sylvia Paul, Dan Farber
| Mary Ann is the producer. Dan, Rebecca (one with the red hair)... here to help.
| Look at to see where the .mp3s, etc. will be posted.