Citizen Journalism, Day 1: Multimedia
| Notes... 
| Via bonjour, for Mac users... subethadit, happening in the room... ask sheldon in the back row..
| Andrew Lih: 
| How can we use multimedia to create better citizen journalism?
| Wikipedia definition... new word: interactivity.
| define citizen journalism...jason crow defining cj
| andrew demonstrates. shoots with an ordinary camera. uploads it to his laptop.
| videoblogs: Jay Dedman. doing videos of his life. "Moments showing". that's the story of his life. Covered Josh Wolf, who went to jail for refusing to give his clips to a fed grand jury.
| christopher lydon's Open Source radio show. he puts it up on the web first. people can send in audio first.
| global voices. blogs aggregated from around the world.
| youtube. lots of people are using it. because YT has made it easy. has a way to respond. 'post a video response'.
| AOL UnCut Video Release... see what you're signing away.
| the Show. Hello Sports Racers! Knowledge is at the unconference! He has comments just like regular blogs do, but also wants you to upload stuff. People write his friday stuff for him on the wiki. Earth sandwiches.
| taking info that exists, making it more available.
| Opening up to the room: how can we use multimedia to create better cj?