Citizen Journalism, Day 1: Toolset
| Intro 
| Dan... andrew will talk about the tools we have, and especially need.
| Andrew: 
| Dan and I have been teaching together for many years; good to do this too.
| On business card, put my wikipedia username.
| chinese firewall (research from behind, base in Beijing)
| Leonard Witt, PJNet, AEJMC, Toronto, 2004... but not doing it this year. So that's one reason we're havingh one at wikimania.
| wkihihow, others, netscape, benkeler.
| Last year during WTO conf, wanted to see if we could get press pass for wikinews. Got one.
| Slide, continuum, left to right
| Falling under the above, sorting out digg, others, both domestic and in Asia, filling areas. But an empty spot in the middle.
| Big slide.. citimedia tech zeitgeist. random flow of what's in the the tech environment... radical inclusion... rsss and tagging. solid state recording (video recording married to an ipod, with an editable index)... skypecasting... security.. tor... vpns, encryption... blogs, podcasting, vblogging, p2p, bitorrent... live torrent... peopole downloading a chinese client to watch hbo and espn... drupal, skoop, joomla, higher-res cameras...
| Open the floor... what's important? What can't you do today that you;d like to do tomorrow?
| Fill in chart 
| Dan Bricklin: 
| one of the reasons that Aldus was named that, was that a guy by that name invented dimentions and standareds that make the book work.
| we had personal websites for many years, then things like blog authoring tools and standards (e.g. rss, permalinking) made blogging possible
| wikis, similarly, kept history. organically grow website.
| with citizen J, in order to do the things you need, what primitives do we need to make sure we have...
| Some of it is very bursty. If you're in the presence of sometnhing newsy, you become a citizen j. How do we make it easy for people who find themselves in that position?
| doesn't have to be built out of a wiki or a blogging tool Just remember that the earliest stuff is simple.
| Ethan Zuckerman: 
| build on this idea of how we build toolsets.
| the folks involved in this movement, and the peoploe who most need it aren't involved yet. Those people may not have broadband or laptops or...
| The peploe who are going to be using the tools and building out are not the ones doing it now.
| We think about the laptop, the leading edge, the camera, the upload conveniences...
| Need to transform lives for people outside the devoloped world. How do we get into the devices or paradigms for peoploe outside the develped world?
| How about telephojnes? Stuff with Asterisk? (an open source phone solution...complicaqted, multifunctional, powerful... build what people call interactive voice response applicaitons.. stuff you used to do on the web now can do by if/then statements and voice calls). How about radio? that's the broadband delivery medium for most of the developing world.
| What do we do with our own stuff that gets slower and more primitive.