If you want to quickly get to the heart of Frontier as a web content management system, here's how to do it.
- Launch the Frontier application. Choose New Website from the Web menu. Enter the name of your new site, call it Testing.
- A new table opens containing several items, #filters, #ftpSite, #glossary, #images, #prefs, #template and #tools.
- Press the Enter key (Return on Mac). A new line opens. Type default and press Enter.
- Double-click on the gray triangle to the left of the new line. A window opens. Type Hello World. Leaving this window in front.
- Choose Publish Page from the Web menu. If this is the first page you've published a dialog may appear asking you to locate your web browser app. Do so.
- The web browser comes to the front, displaying the page.
This page was last built on 2/8/98; 6:39:03 AM by Dave Winer. dave@scripting.com.