Référence Web
Le dossier de Frontier pour Windows
Le dossier de Frontier pour Mac
Fat Pages
Le menu Web
Nouveau site Web
L'attribut PageHeader
Macros standard
Trucs et Astuces
Raccourcis clavier
Éléments utiles
Source du site
Les raccourcis clavier des articles de menu.
| Sur Mac, utilisez la touche Commande quand vous lisez Control. |
| New Script = Control + N |
| Open ... = Control + O |
| Close = Control + W |
| Save Database = Control + S |
| Print = Control + P |
| Quit = Control + Q |
| Undo (instruction) = Control + Z |
| Cut = Control + X |
| Copy = Control + C |
| Paste = Control + V |
| Select All = Control + A |
| Size ... Larger = Control + > |
| Size ... Smaller = Control + < |
| Websites = Control + M |
| Workspace = Control + T |
| Quick Script = Control + ; |
| Notepad = Control + Y |
| Jump ... = Control + J |
| Find and Replace |
| Find = Control + F |
| Find Next = Control + G |
| Replace and Find Next = Control + H |
| Common Styles |
| Tiny = Control + 9 |
| Medium = Control + 2 |
| Readable = Control + 7 |
| Huge = Control + 8 |
| Suites ... Minimal Menus = Control + - |
| Misc ... Insert Date/Time = Control + 4 |
| Export = Control + 3 |
| Run Selection = Control + / |
| Backup = Control + B |
| Toggle Comment = Control + Alt + (Commande + sur Mac) |
| Move Up = Control + U |
| Move Down = Control + D |
| Move Right = Control + R |
| Move Left = Control + L |
| Promote = Control + [ |
| Demote = Control + ] |
| Publish Table = Control + ' |
| Interrompre une tâche ("thread") = ESC (Command + . sur Mac) |
| (Interrompt le processus en cours) |
| Éditer un article de menu = article choisi + Alt (Option sur Mac) |