UserLand Software
Powerful, cross-platform web scripting.

Serious First Steps In Frontier Scripting

Frontier Scripting Tutorial

About This Tutorial

What Does Frontier Do?

Keywords, Handlers, Verbs, and Calls

Loops, Variables, Parameters, and Conditionals

The Handler Rule

Returns, Addresses, and Dereferencing

Scope and With

Strings and Files

Outlines and Tables

Running, Debugging, and Getting Help


A Real-Life Problem

String Parsing and Substitution

Manipulating Files and Folders

Final Touches

Scripting in Frontier

This tutorial introduces the scripting component of Frontier. It will get you writing scripts in Frontier's language, UserTalk, so that you can put Frontier's power to work for you, solving problems you want to solve, doing jobs you want done.

This tutorial is a hands-on exercise.

First we'll write and refine some simple scripts, for practice. Then, we'll write a userful, powerful Frontier script from the ground up: we'll start by stating what we want to accomplish on the computer, we'll plan how to do it, and we'll put the plan into action with Frontier.

When we're done we'll have a bells-and-whistles Frontier script that you can use to impress folks with your scripting prowess, and that also does something darned useful if you happen to be a Web site manager.

At that point, you'll know enough about UserTalk, and enough about how to find out more, to be able to go on independently to develop scripts of your own.

The scripts in this tutorial are all cross-platform. They work equally well on Windows and Macintosh.

Table of Contents

About This Tutorial
Squash the learning curve and start writing your own Frontier scripts.

What Does Frontier Do?
A brief reminder of Frontier's various powers.

Keywords, Handlers, Verbs, and Calls
We learn to count from 1 to 10.

Loops, Variables, Parameters, and Conditionals
We count from 1 to 10 more cleverly, and then we count from anything to anything.

The Handler Rule
Pushing the Run button and calling one script from another do different things.

Returns, Addresses, and Dereferencing
When a script calls a verb, an answer comes back -- sometimes more than one answer.

Scope and With
Precisely which "x" are we talking about here?

Strings and Files
We begin fearlessly messing with your hard disk.

Outlines and Tables
Driving Frontier to build an outline from scratch.

Running, Debugging, and Getting Help
General techniques for developing and working with scripts.

The kinds of objects Frontier can work with.

A Real-Life Problem
Introducing the AmelioWeb demo, as seen in Los Angeles.

String Parsing and Substitution
Part 1 of creating the AmelioWeb demo for ourselves.

Manipulating Files and Folders
Part 2 of creating the AmelioWeb demo for ourselves.

Final Touches
Part 3 of creating the AmelioWeb demo for ourselves.


You can download this tutorial for off-line reading as a Windows zip file or a Macintosh binhex file.



Site Scripted By Frontier © Copyright 1996-98 UserLand Software. This page was last built on 2/10/98; 1:25:43 AM. It was originally posted on 3/11/97; 8:27:49 PM. Webmaster:

This tutorial was adapted for Frontier 5 by Brent Simmons, from the Frontier 4 scripting tutorial written by Matt Neuburg.