Be prepared for the tech bubble burst
Tuesday, October 27, 2015 by Dave Winer

No one knows what happens if the Silicon Valley boom ends, they say. 


Everything that goes up must come down. It's one of the basic laws. 

Sure some things gain escape velocity. Unless there's a total financial collapse people will continue to use mobile devices with screens and virtual keyboards. And there will be big leaps forward. But it might not be such a terrible thing if computer technology became more ordinary and mundane. At the scale we're operating now it might be unavoidable. Whole civilizations don't turn that quickly, even in superheated times. 

The point? Prepare for it. Put some new ideas in the pipe. Even ones that go against what you think is the way the world will always work. I've seen Silicon Valley ignore the next thing after the bubble crash, only to deepen the depression, and delay the recovery. 

Like the Boy Scouts: Be Prepared.