A linguist for Reliable Sources?
Saturday, November 28, 2015 by Dave Winer

A suggestion for Brian Stelter for tomorrow's Reliable Sources show.

Find a linguist to do a quick study of reporting on the Colorado Springs shooter, compared with the reporting on the Paris shooters, and tell us about the differences in the language used.

In his or her opinion, what if the Colorado Springs shooter had been dark-skinned, would the language have been different? If he had been African-American? An immigrant?

What if he had been Muslim?

How different would the reporting have been?

My theory based on my own non-expert opinion is that we are far more tolerant of white American Christian terrorists. 

BTW, please don't recruit one Republican linguist and one Democratic linguist. It seems like this is more of a scientific question, one that can be answered, without the usual indecisiveness and lack of conclusion of much TV journalism. 

  • Who are you thinking are the white American Christian terrorists?  I am aware of many American secularists who have engaged in mass shootings in the US, as well as, sadly, people who are mentally ill and whose shootings can't really be ascribed to any rational cause.  

    • No debating allowed here. Write a blog post.