Imagine being an American racist in 2008
Monday, December 7, 2015 by Dave Winer

Imagine if you were a white racist American in 2008.

I'm not saying you are a racist, just that there are racists. They have a right to be racist. That's one of the great things about this country. You can think what you want and even say what you want. That's protected.

Anyway, imagine you were one of them, and a black man named Barack Obama was just elected President of the United States. 

Well, let's be clear about one thing -- as a racist, you just lost.

You lost. It finally happened. One of the worst things that could possibly happen. You are freaking out. 

That's all I want to say here. It's something I never considered. I personally was so happy the day Obama was elected, it never occurred to me that there were people who felt exactly the opposite. But of course there were. And what you're seeing now in the Republican electorate is that coming into full bloom.

  • Just like what happened when G.W.Bush was elected.