Here's how I got there.
First, we are as damaged by the war in Iraq as Iraq is.
What we lost -- our sense of invincibility. People of my generation already had lost it, through the Vietnam War. But there's a new generation that doesn't remember Vietnam, and didn't learn the lesson. That's what Iraq did for them.
After Iraq kicked our ass, we did what we did after Vietnam. We elected a President who wouldn't go to war. That's what we wanted in 2008. (I still want it, always will, but I'm not the majority.)
We forget so quickly. Or we can be urged to forget. Or a small portion of the country is so angry, so left behind, so wanting to return to medieval times, that they can pretend they don't remember.
Sound familiar? That's what ISIS is selling. Let's go back to a simpler time when our ability to kill each other with hand-held weapons is what mattered. This appeals to young men.
Trump probably isn't finished driving us into the brink. It's a step by step process. Next he's going to say it's too dangerous to let Muslims walk around, we need to round em up.
He doesn't run the government so he can't make that happen, and unless we're complete idiots (we might be) he won't. But his followers have guns, and they can create a lot of mayhem. Esp the young males.
My guess is he will go there. I would hope there would be a limit to how depraved he is, but so far if you had bet on there being a limit you would have lost.
BTW, the general who, on Fox, called the President a pussy, forgets that we elected him for exactly that reason (it's a crude term, but we'll overlook that). We were weary of hothead idiot assholes who press the button at the slightest provocation. We still live in a country ruled by civilians not generals, btw.