I just sent an email to a friend at the Tow Center re their guide to podcasting, that appears to have come out today. I felt it was good enough to put here too.
PS: Here's a 20-minute podcast I did in Sept on the origins of podcasting.
Interesting! Are the 7 points and the PS the contents of the email, or will you be posting the email separately?
Only the first five were in the email. I added the second two, as a web exclusive. No extra charge! :-)
What do you think of this take? "Podcasts are to media as web pages are to text. Podcasting is the oral tradition of the open web."
When I wrote the post introducing Chris Lydon's show, I called it a weblog for the ears. BTW, what's so frustrating about these histories is that when we were moving forward I took my notes in public to leave a record so that when people would write the histories they wouldn't have to guess about what we were thinking and doing. Hopefully some actual studies are done here, not just seat of the pants stuff.