It's fun to guess what people and companies are going to name their product or guess at where showrunners are going to take their stories.
A fantastic example. Todd VanDerWerff wrote in Vox, before the last episode of Mad Men aired, the actual ending of the show. It was an amazing accomplishment. I remember watching the finale and gasping at how amazingly right the guy was. I felt a little envy. But mostly I was impressed (also with the elegance of the story, no spoilers). It was a historic, epic accomplishment. Thinking about it now gives me goosebumps.
Now, no one confuses the predicting of the name of a product, or the plot of a TV serial, with actually naming the product, or developing the plot. When Apple came out with its phone, people were already calling it the iPhone. But it was Apple that named it the iPhone, not the people who predicted it would be called iPhone. No one would ever be confused about this.
Correctly guessing the name of a product is not the same thing as naming the product.