I suppose I should label programmerish posts as such.
This is a programmerish post.
I have a new datatype in my vocabulary, something called a chatlog. It's a hybrid of the data for a chat application and a weblog.
It's a chatlog in that the software you use to create and edit it feels like a chat app when you use it. I think that will become more apparent as Scripting News community features become more visible.
But it also feels like a blog when you read it, so it's also a chatlog.
Anyway, the programmerish thing is this. I store the chatlog in a single JSON file. Every bit of text appears in a single file.
I was raised in a time when memory was measured in kilobytes, so I felt giddy when we had megabytes, but now our machines have gigabytes. And the wires that connect the devices are much faster. So loading a 1MB string over a LAN is something you don't have to worry about. But when do you start worrying?
Part of me thinks I should just enhance the app so it assembles the full structure only when it needs to, which turns out to be never. It'll make the code a little more complex for sure. But I know I will do it at some point. Even if I don't have to, I will do it.
Whether it needs it or not.
But not today.
We now return to our regularly scheduled program.
The reason to care about this is mobile access. Downloading 1MB over a good broadband connection is no big deal, but it's a different story on a spotty cellular connection (that might be data-capped).
That isn't happening. We're only talking about something happening on my server, it's not in the conversation betw the client and the server.
Well, never mind then. :P