If this were a political novel...
Sunday, February 14, 2016 by Dave Winer

What interesting times.

If you were writing a political novel, it couldn't get any better than this. Or if you were show-running a serial like Breaking Bad, or The Good Wife. 

I just watched MSNBC, incredible interviews, all the usual talking heads are showing that underneath the bullshit they're actually brilliant people who are forced to say stupid things because politics is usually so boring. But amp up the plot, and all of a sudden they can think.

But I don't think they're thinking of everything. Or maybe they do, but have to self-censor because the ideas are so out there, or provocative?

For example, a strange question just popped into my head.

What if Scalia committed suicide?

Now of course I know nothing either way about this, but what if he did?

Second question.

We all seem to assume that Congress next year will be Republican, but what if the Senate became Democratic?

I don't even know the math. 1/3 of the Senate is at stake, because that's how it works. Who is vulnerable? Where should we be focusing? Not only the Presidential election matters, of course, but this year more than most years, it's pivotal.

BTW, I asked that question of Nate Silver on Twitter. I'd love to know what he thinks. If you would too, why not RT and/or Fave that tweet? Thanks!

PS: RealClearPolitics has an analysis of Democrat Senate chances as of January.

PPS: Nate Silver responded. "I'd say Democrats have somewhere on the order of a 35-40% chance of picking up the Senate." So now we know what kind of deal the Repubs should be willing to do with the President, if they weren't afraid of being primaried by the Kochs or the NRA.