How great if Facebook...
Friday, March 25, 2016 by Dave Winer

One year ago I posted this Little Card Editor editorial, on Facebook and many other places. Here's what it said:

How great if Facebook, asking publishers to provide full text, spec'd an open format, so it could also flow to the open web.

I thought the picture was really beautiful. It's the way I think of the web, lots of flows, some big, some small -- and then places that things don't flow in and out of. 

Ideally everything that's public should be able to flow everywhere, so we can build all kinds of apps on the information we all create together. That's the vision of the web. Realized only somewhat, as it is with all human things. Nothing ever does all we hoped it would. And we never anticipate all that will come from innovations, good or bad. 

Anyway, today I reposted that card with a simple message. They did. 

And that's good.