News | Dave

DW Notepad 11/03

Top Windows kernel problems (Doug, Bob)
Make it possible to back up the database.
file.copy (Frontier.getFilePath (), "C:\\tmp.root")
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
It's going to eventually cost me a lot of money and lost time because it's so hard for me to do a backup.
This is really important now, when Frontier is so crashy.
Build a web page, crash when I save database.
This keeps me from doing web work on the PC. DW
Not good.
Clipboard format and hard returns
Edit a wptext object with several paragraphs.
Select all. Copy.
Switch into Eudora, paste.
All the carriage returns turn into bold vertical bars.
Send the email to a Mac, the returns are gone.
suites.scheduler doesn't work.I can't run overnight scripts.
This is probably all that's standing in the way of suites.scheduler working on Windows.
scratchpad.x = ()
Displays as:
"Sunday, November 02, 1997; 9:22:18 AM"
I want a resize thing on every table window and on the enclosing window
It's too friggin hard to find the magic pixels that allow you to resize a window.
I don't care what the Windows UI guidelines say, this is wrong.
Note that the Explorer breaks the rule, so there's plenty of precedent.
Wrap command in the WP modal menu
Eudora.ucmds.wrapText (text)
This UCMD will be easily converted to a kernel verb
It's much needed (and has nothing to do with Eudora).
Horrible braincell burning display bugs in the Windows outliner.
Font problems or port problems?
Losing lines vertically, repeated lines.
Vertical line at the beginning of a headline when I'm editing.
All these realllly distract me.
Right mouse click on a window title to activate popup, must click left mouse button to select. (Bug!)
Minimal menus, from, verified by DW
1. Make sure expert mode is on.
2. Select "Minimal Menus" from the Suites menu, or hit Alt--.
3. Notice that aside from any suite menu present, the initial menu and the Suites menu disappear.
string.commentDelete is limited to 255 characters.
file.rename actually appears to delete the file.
file.rename ("C:\\Frontier 5\\ThinkTank Templates\\Personal.txt", "Impersonal.txt")
file.exists ("C:\\Frontier 5\\ThinkTank Templates\\Impersonal.txt")
fileloop over C:\ eventually gets me an error...
fileloop (f in "C:\\", infinity) true
"The system cannot find the file specified."
It's a long path, at least 8 levels deep, maybe a 255-char limit?
file.getspecialfolderpath ("", "Preferences", true)
The error message is "Incorrect function".
string.parseHTTPargs crashes
dialog.alert (string.parseHTTPargs ("name=Mason+Hale&address=1801+Winsted"))
Docs/Webwork (Brent, Wesley)
Review suites.samples, reorganize into four tables: (Dave, Brent, Wesley, Chuck)
Mac, Windows, cross-platform, other.
As you test each of the scripts on Windows, create bug reports.
I've got custody of suites.samples for now.
See the next section...
Allow check-in check-out on one section of the virgin root as a test case. (Brent)
We should all have experience with the workflow system before Friday.
Possible choice: suites.samples?
DocServer project (Wesley)
I sent Wesley a website on Saturday.
He's going to review it, edit it, make it look good, just using his Mac.
He's going to order a PC, when it arrives, he'll switch entirely to using Frontier on the PC.
The goal is to do the same thing with the DocServer docs as was done with suites.samples.
As Wesley completes pieces of the website, it will be managed by
Taking aim at the user table (Brent, Dave, Chuck)
Make a list of places in the Windows root where there's data stored that's not in a table.
Prepare a report describing the current state of the user table, with items for discussion on Friday.
Make a list of information we need to keep around to keep Frontier configered as a net server and client.
UserLand's Internet strategy (Chuck)
Migrating Mac and Unix websites to the PC.
Smart email servers.
Workflow features in 5.1.
What else? Be Larry Tesler for 30 minutes.
Frontier 5.1 (Doug)
Fat headlines in the outliner.
Java Java Java. (And JavaScript, PERL, tcl.)
Bringing Frontier into the Windows Environment (Bob, Dave, Doug)
How will we achieve scripting of the Explorer (accessing the selection, commands in menus)?
Connecting Frontier to web servers as a CGI environment?
Integrating with Visual Interdev, FrontPage?
Driving COM and DCOM.
How did scripting culture evolve on the Mac?
How do we want to do better on Windows?

This page was last built on Monday, November 17, 1997; 6:03:35 AM by Dave Winer. Today I'm using Windows NT v4.0.1381 to work on this website.