what is a river of news?

A "River of News" is a term used to describe a particular type of online news reading experience. It refers to a constantly updating stream of news articles, blog posts, and other online content that is presented in reverse chronological order. This means that the most recent content appears at the top of the stream, and as you scroll down, you move further back in time.

The River of News format is often used in RSS readers and other news aggregator tools, where users can subscribe to multiple news sources and receive a continuous stream of updates. It can also be found on social media platforms, where users can follow accounts or hashtags to see a stream of related content.

The River of News format can be a convenient way to keep up with the latest news and information, but it can also be overwhelming and difficult to navigate if the stream is too large or updates too frequently.

who first used the term "river of news"?

The term "River of News" was popularized by Dave Winer, a software developer and blogger who is often credited with pioneering the use of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) for distributing online content. Winer first used the term in 2002 to describe a new feature in his RSS reader software, which allowed users to view a continuous stream of news articles from multiple sources in reverse chronological order.

Winer's "River of News" feature became popular among early adopters of RSS and helped to establish the format as a widely used method for distributing and consuming online content. Today, many news readers, social media platforms, and other online tools use variations of the "River of News" format to present updates and content to their users.