Begins with ice coffee from Dunkin Donuts.
W3C-developed standards aren't better.
I wanted to say that I was pleased with Brendan Eich's interview with Steve Gillmor.
This podcast unlike the previous one sounds like stuff I still support, even applaud.
I talk about how I found something on the Netsape site during the development of RSS saying they don't want to be part of a standards process, they just want to make software. That's where I come from too.
People who gather around standards often/usually aren't there to make software. So it's no surprise that the standards don't deploy well in actual software.
Skip ahead to 10 minute mark if you want to hear this stuff.
At the very end I say I look forward to what's coming in HTML. Well it didn't imho turn out to be what I was hoping for, which I think IIRC was SVG. No doubt it works, but the graphic OS I wanted has never been created on top of SVG as far as I know.
I mention the marquee element in this episode and I was curious to see if it still works, so I wrote a test app which you can try too. It does still work in 2024. I hope it works forever. That's how the web should work. Much later I'll write about this in Rules for standards-makers.