Part of the Samples Website. 8/16/97.


«Loads all image files in a folder into a table
«Tue, Aug 12, 1997 at 9:25:18 AM by DW
local (folder = "Internal:Apps:WebStar:images:")
local (adrtable = @user.websites.testing.images)
local (typelist = {'GIFf', 'JPEG'})
if not defined (adrtable^)
toys.newObject (tableType, adrtable)
local (f)
fileloop (f in folder)
if typelist contains file.type (f)
html.loadImageFile (f, adrtable)

This page was last built on Sat, Aug 16, 1997 at 6:43:57 PM. You can download the current set of sample scripts from our FTP site. Dave