Weblog Archive >  2007 >  February >  16


What is codecasting?

Friday, February 16, 2007 by Dave Winer.

Have a look at this feed... Permalink to this paragraph

http://bits.codecasting.org/opml.root/rss.xml  Permalink to this paragraph

It's got enclosures, like a podcasting feed, but instead of linking to MP3 files, it links to bits of code.  Permalink to this paragraph

A picture named bird.jpgSeems like a rational next step. The code updating process for the OPML Editor is based on XML-RPC, as was the process for Radio and Frontier, but it's always been possible to turn it into an entirely static process. Now that I'm doing a sweep over my servers, trying to reduce the cost of running them, and at the same time make them more durable, I put it on my to-do list, and posted a heads-up a few days ago, that I was planning something new (at least for me) with RSS. Permalink to this paragraph

BTW, the parts that the feed links to are real, they really do contain code, it reflects all the part updates for the OPML Editor since it shipped in the summer of 2005. I haven't yet written code that interprets the feed, that receives updates from it, so there may yet be changes in the approach. But in the spirit of sharing my work in progress, here it is.  Permalink to this paragraph

© Copyright 1994-2007 Dave Winer. Last update: 2/28/2007; 6:49:56 PM Pacific. "It's even worse than it appears."