Multiple days of NewsHourFriday, March 02, 2007 by Dave Winer. At dinner on Saturday with people from the NewsHour, a couple of us fans asked if it would be possible to have a feed that included more than one day's worth of shows. We were told that the limit was technical, not legal, their simple CMS didn't have a way of including more than day in the feed. I volunteered to write a script that would include the last week's worth of NewsHours, and they said go ahead, so I did. Right now it's only got 3 days worth, since that's when my agent started running. After a week I'll add code to cut out stuff older than one week. Caveat: That feed may not be available forever. The hope is that the NewsHour folk will take it over. But for now, I'll keep maintaining it here (it's easy, a script does all the work). Editorial comment: This is the first time I've read or written feeds with the itunes add-ons, and I gotta say -- what an awful ugly design. I faithfully reproduced all the garbage they make podcasters include to be compatible with iTunes. I'm proud to say none of my feeds include that stuff or ever will, and I hope iTunes ends up on the scrap heap it deserves to be on for what they did to RSS. Now I know how the Third World feels about the US. |